Respect your Tools: Jewellery Only

Round and Flat Pliers

Reserved for “Jewellery Only”

Precious metals are softer and so jewellery tools are generally designed for finesse and a lighter hand, “so Hubby stealing your side cutter for the use in the garage – ain’t gonna cut it”


Often tools not used correctly will scratch break or mar, so when used on a smooth polished surface again it might ruin your beautiful polished surface.

Do not use your tools on anything except making jewellery.

For example don’t use your pliers for cutting anything else but jewellery substrates. Your jewellery pliers will get damaged and therefore damage precious metals and the jewellery you work on.

Even a simple tool such as a hammer can be damaged on the smooth face and in turn damage your precious metals when being shaped or hammered.

If you are willing to put in the effort and look after your tools they will last you for years to come. If you have polished smooth surfaces like a hammer face, burnisher edge or smooth flat plier keep them smooth and shiny by sanding down the surface with 1200 grit sandpaper and a touch of water, then clean off the water and polish on your bench grinder. The polished surface will then not mark the soft metal you working with.



CuttersFlat Nose PliersBurnisher Straight or Curved - B0153 B0154Chasing Hammer -