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Rolling Mills
Rolling Mills
Rolling Mills
Rolling mills are essentially used by craftsmen in a wide assortment of applications in jewellery manufacturing or wherever there is a need to form or shape wire or flatten malleable metals. Most hand heldĀ Rolling mills are designed to meet the needs of jewellers and metal smiths; and Ā are tremendously versatile with optional design and pattern rolls.
Mills make it possible to use a variety of sheet metal gauges without having to keep a large inventory of sheet stock on hand. Our high-quality mills will provide years of service reducing non-ferrous metals into a variety of sheet metal gauge thicknesses. Wire mills are also available are generally used together with a wire draw bench and drawplates to reduce the diameter of wire.
Rolling Mills are one of the more expensive jewellerā€™s tools, and although simple in nature the mill can be put to many uses and save money. When buying a mill, like many tools you should buy the best mill you can afford, with the better mills being more robust and having heavier and stronger rollers.