Turn An Old Book Into a Clock

Turn An Old Book Into a Book Clock

Turn An Old Book Into a Book Clock


  • Hard-covered book– The book must be hard-covered so it can stand on its own. The size and colour are up to you.
  • Clock hands ( minute, hour & second)
  • Clock mechanisms
  • Clock numerals
  • Craft Knife
  • Power Drill



1. Choose where the clock face will go and maybe even draw a few markers with a pencil for later when attaching your numbers.

2. Drill your hole for the centre of your clock. You may have to experiment with drill sizes and drill through several times to make sure the stick part of your clock mechanism fits through. Generally, 8mm will work for our clock shafts.

Drill3. Place the threaded shaft through the hole so the clock mechanism with the battery is flush with the book.

Battery4. Cut out the inside of the book with the craft knife where the battery unit will go. Itā€™s suggested you trace the clock mechanism and then just start cutting away.

5. Place your numbers on the front of the book.

6. Place the clock hands on the clock shaft – they all fit in a specific order due to the hole size for the minute, hour & second hand.

7. Insert a battery

8. Proudly display your awesome new book clock!

New book clock